Friday, 11 November 2022
1)But :-
Raju is poor but he is happy.
2)Else/ otherwise :- Study well otherwise you will fail in the exam.
3)However/ still/yet:-
The problem was very difficult, however Raju solved it.
4) either .....or :-
I shall go to Chennai either by bus or by train.
5) neither ....nor:-
I have neither a pen nor a pencil to write.
6) whether... or : -
I don't know whether I will join the college or not.
7) therefore/so :-
Raju is ill therefore / so he is absent.
8) consequently/accordingly:-
The thief was caught by the police , consequently he was sent to the prison.
9) thus:-
The crow dropped the stones into the pot one by one, thus the water level rose up.
10) so ... that: -
The box is so big that I cannot carry it.
11) because/ for: -
Rani was sad because she failed in the examination.
Since I was ill, I did not attend the class.
13) if :-
If you work hard, you will succeed.
14 ) Unless:-
Unless you go fast, you can't catch the train.
15) supposing that /provided/in case:-
You can reach Chennai within two hours ,in case/provided/supposing that/ you go by car.
16) as if:-
Raju pretends as if he is very rich.
17) though/ although/ even though:-
Though Raju was ill, he attended the school.
18) yet:-
Raju is poor yet he is happy.
19)lest :-
He stopped the car suddenly lest it ran over the boy.
20) when :-
When the teacher entered the class room, all the children stood up.
22) before:-
Before I reached the school, the bell had rung already.
23) after:-
After Raju finished his homework, he. went to bed.
Please wait here until I come back.
25)as soon as:-
As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away.
26) while:-
People waste food while a few others starve.